Function winsafe::CoInitializeEx

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pub fn CoInitializeEx(coinit: COINIT) -> HrResult<CoUninitializeGuard>
Available on crate feature ole only.
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CoInitializeEx function, which initializes the COM library. When succeeding, returns an informational error code.

In the original C implementation, you must call CoUninitialize as a cleanup operation.

Here, the cleanup is performed automatically, because CoInitializeEx returns a CoUninitializeGuard, which automatically calls CoUninitialize when the guard goes out of scope. You must, however, keep the guard alive, otherwise the cleanup will be performed right away.


use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, co};

let _com_lib = w::CoInitializeEx( // keep guard alive

// program runs...

// CoUninitialize() automatically called